Gesammelte Links aus dem Google Reader:
- RSS Is Dying, and You Should Be Very Worried – If RSS isn’t saved now, if browser vendors don’t realise the potential of RSS to save users a whole bunch of time and make the web better for them, then the alternative is that I will have to have a Facebook account, or a Twitter account, or some such corporate-controlled identity, where I have to “Like” or “Follow” every website’s partner account that I’m interested in
- 18 Fun Interesting Facts You Never Knew About The Internet – Ever since the birth of the Internet, file sharing was a problem for the authorities that managed it. In 1989, McGill University shut down their FTP indexing site after finding out that it was responsible for half of the Internet traffic from America into Canada.
- Nazi sein ist auch nicht einfach bei Glaserei – Nazi sein ist auch nicht einfach
- Adus Ltd :: Wreck Images – Bemerkenswerte 3D Sonarbilder von untergegangenen Schiffen.
- Where do I put the paper? – Botswana
Use the bin provided or bury or burn your paper, don't flush it, you'll flood the place.